Saturday, October 15, 2011

Teaching Ryder how to talk

As I've wrote about before, Ryder has a delay when it comes to speech.  We've had him all over the place including to doctors in case of autism or problems with his ears.  We've had people coming to our house each month to keep an eye on his progress, and now we are participating in a weekly playgroup that encourages speech and sign language.  We've been doing sign language with him for quite awhile now even before the playgroup and he picks up on it so quickly, but now that we are in the playgroup, his signing has increased by double, and he is starting to say a large variety of words.  I definatly give credit to the playgroup for part of it, but I also know that it's just his time to start talking. 

The play group is all about encouraging your child to talk by doing activities and during playtime.  Today I found the perfect place to pull words out of Ryder (that is if he isn't screaming his head off for the nearest chocolate bar or bag of chips). 

The grocery store.

Today I was able to get him to say 'straw', 'cheese', 'fish', and 'grapes'.  That's more words in an hour that he's said in the last week.  His normal vocabulary consists of 'more', 'one more', 'momma', 'dada', and 'oh toodles'.

It's amazing watching him grow and learn.

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