Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Just a not so normal Monday


Today started out like any other normal day.

I woke Shane up, made his lunch, put all of his things together so he wouldn't forget anything, and then I laid back down to feed a fussy Wyatt.  Ryder came wondering in, stood by the bed and handed me a wet diaper.  Hmm... I must have changed Wy in the night and forgot to put the diaper away.  These things happen sometimes.

Then he goes running off into the bathroom after dada, bare butt and all.

His wet diaper.  Nice.

Wy hadn't slept much last night, I knew he was sick, so I got on the phone with the doctor and they got me in right away.  I love them.  Turns out poor Wyatt has an ear infection and a virus in the back of his throat that causes large sores.

He's not eating, hardly sleeps, and whines almost 24 hours a day.  My heart breaks every time I look at him.

On the way home from the doctors office, I started to feel like someone was sitting on my chest... someone that weighed 500 lbs.  I couldn't breath, and it felt like my ribs were breaking.  So I unwillingly (what kind of mom drops their kids with someone else when they are sick?) left the boys with Shane's mom and drove myself to the hospital.

I laid in a hospital bed hooked to every machine thinkable, IV in my arm, and froze for 6 hours.  The doctor came in and said that after every possible test that could be done on my heart, everything came back negative.  Good news I suppose.

He linked my chest pain to one of two things.  Stress causing an issue with my stomach which in turn causes something similar to indigestion, or an irritation in one of my chest muscles which was flaring up because I was doing so much.  He's treating me for both.  And has me "taking it easy" as much as possible.  I didn't feel the need to bring up the fact that with three boys, a husband, and a house taking it easy isn't in my vocabulary.

I'm my mother's daughter.

I came home, made tacos, and went to bed... at three in the morning.  Poor Wy.

When you become a mother, you take the good and the bad and you do them both to the best of your ability.  With Wy we are going through a bad, and I would do anything to make him feel better.

It's shocking to me the realization of how unselfish you become when you have children.

Off to fold some laundry.

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