Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Life happens.

This will be my first post in three days.  So much for promising to update every day.  Life happens.

I've decided that R is a tornado.  He goes through and leaves a path of destruction within minutes, and you never really know whats happening until you are standing there looking at the biggest mess you've ever seen.  And then, it takes two hours to clean up the mess that was made in just minutes.  Sounds like a tornado, right?

R is also getting SO big.  I think that I blinked and he grew two inches.  He's also changing so much.  He points to everything, hes starting to try to communicate with us, and he is so smart that he can copy something you do after watching you do it once.  My boy is a mini genius.  I'm thinking of getting him a grey wig actually because I'm thinking hes got some Einstein DNA. 

Speaking of grey... Why in the world do I have more grey hairs than I can count?  When did I get this old?  And what has happened in my life that has caused me this many grey hairs?

R gets into so much trouble.  Let me give you some examples.  These pictures were taken within a one hour time period.

What am I going to do with this boy?  But on the other hand, how can anyone be mad at this face?

He's the cutest baby in the world.  No lie.  The cutest baby in the world is currently squirting his juice box all over his animal crackers and then making them swim in it.

W is getting so big too.  He's awake more, and is starting to make little noises.  He also has his daddy's temper.  It could have never come from me... he only gets the good things from me.  He still has tummy trouble.  I will talk to the doctor again in a week about it.  No vomiting in awhile, but he goes through about an hour of screaming non-stop every day when he is trying to poop.  He has a lot of trouble and there is really nothing I can do.  It makes me feel terrible that he is in so much pain.  Poor little man.

R just finished his food and pointed to the freezer.  "Da..Da...Da" as he points.  He wanted a Popsicle, and when I pulled one out and asked him if that's what he wanted he got really excited.  Seems I've created a monster.

Look how beautiful W is.

He still has a monkey nose though.  Again from darling husband!

We completely redid the store today.  The people from Metro said it looks good on approval, but we have to declutter the store, and make it look more like a cell phone store.  We had left it the way it was when we got it.  I have to say, it looks a million times better now.  Defiantly more like a cell phone store.  I'm proud of it.  We should know on approval by the end of the week.  I am so excited, I really hope we get approved.

It looks like my cabinets threw up on my counters.  I never put the groceries away last night after I came home with them.  I was just too tired.  And as I sit here typing to you, a mountain of laundry sits heaped on my bed calling my name.  "fold me.... FOLD ME... you know you want to, you know it's more important than removing the soggy animal crackers from R's hair"

And you know... I'm really not sure how the french fry got into R's diaper.

Bath time.  Goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. I started off reading about your 16 month old - totally relating to the tornado & destruction, sounds just like carter. Then I got further down the post & WOW you have a newborn, too! How awesome!
    Thanks for the really nice comment you left me :) I love your blog, I'm your newest follower xox
