Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday, Ryder!


 First Birthday

Second Birthday

It's so amazing, and so hard at the same time to watch my little man grow up.  He is so special.

Here's some things you may not know about him at his 2 years of age.

  1. He hates wearing socks, but always wants to wear his shoes.
  2. When he wants something to eat he says "nack" (snack)
  3. He's extremely dramatic when he gets upset about things.
  4. If I give him a drink without a lid, he pours it into something else.  Usually a toy.
  5. He loves to go bye-bye.
  6. He has his own tools that he learned how to use by copying dada.
  7. He loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
  8. Whenever dada is around, Ryder likes to be in his lap.
  9. He smiles really big and squints his eyes whenever you want to take his picture.
  10. He loves fruit.
  11. He's so smart and picks up on everything so quickly. 
  12. He isn't talking yet, only small words like 'nack',(snack) 'ooce'(juice) and 'more'.  
  13. When we're at the store, he'd rather help push the cart then actually sit in it.
  14. He waves and blows kisses goodbye to everyone.
  15. When he wants something, he grabs you by the hand and takes you to it.
  16. He likes to put things in the toilet.
  17. Sometimes he will just run up and give me a kiss and then run away.
  18. He helps me cut coupons, and likes to help me with them in the store. 
  19. He loves his older brother very much, but beats up his little brother.
  20. When we blow bubbles, he gets excited and says "poh, poh, poh" (pop).
  21. If he sees the babies bottle laying around, he will pick it up and try to put it in Wyatt's mouth.
  22. He makes us so happy.

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