Monday, December 12, 2011

Babies and Coupons

So, I'm totally aware of that fact that recently my baby blog has turned into a bit of a coupon blog.  Forgive me.  It's just that, having two boys, a small income, and lots of expenses has made couponing a large part of my life.

Lets break it down a little bit, besides my everyday gas, electric, tv, and phone bills, I also have the expenses of two little boys.  Diapers, wipes, clothes, bottles, formula, food, toys, and the list goes on and on.  I know out there somewhere is the break down of what it costs to raise a child in the first year and the numbers aren't low.   Couponing has already saved me $200 a month on my food bill.  I'm not at my goal yet, eventually I hope to pay only $200 a month for my family of five on food.  I get all of my personal care items for free, and I've saved so much on diapers and wipes!

Couponing is how I take care of my family, and who doesn't want to get free things?

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