Saturday, May 21, 2011


Wife... Mother...Business Woman... Home Maker... Extreme Couponer.

My husband... he is the best man I've ever met.  He has spent out entire marriage saying the right things, surprising me at the right times, and making me feel needed.  I watched as he came into the role of father, and was amazed at how natural and wonderfully he does it.  And although sometimes I feel like Ryder has traded me in for his 'dada', I rejoice in knowing that my wonderful husband loves God, and he loves me and our children.

The form of sacrifices a person makes varies greatly when you add the role of mother.  Whether it's missing a few hours, or even a whole night of sleep... or removing your last article of warm clothing to wrap around the arms of your freezing child. And although last night I was the mother that was missing sleep, I am blessed to not have to worry about the bigger things. 

Ryder missed his last nap yesterday because I had errands to run, but he still went 'goodnight' at the routine time.  As soon as my head hit the pillow last night, Shane was in waking me up to let me know he was crying.  I actually think he was checking to see if I was still alive, because usually I'm up and sitting on the couch as soon as Ryder cries at night to see if he will go back to sleep. 

I got him, sat down to hold him, and then he saw 'dada'.  Off my lap he went, screaming, tears down his cheeks, and ran over to Shane's lap and climbed up, snuggling in. 

Traded in again.

So, after an hour of sitting there watching Ryder fuss, and trying everything I could to help, I dragged myself back to bed by orders of my amazing husband.  I'm sure he felt bad watching me practically put glue on my eyelids to keep them open. 

An hour later, Ryder was up again... and then again and again.  I even went to the lengths of putting 'big boy underwear' on him thinking that maybe the diaper was irritating the mild case of diaper rash he had. 

He woke up at 6 this morning, screaming again.  I dragged (literally) both my pillow and a blanket from our bed, onto the couch, and Ryder and I snuggled in, both of us dozing in between his cries.  Then I felt it.  He had gas, terrible gas.  Every time he would pass some, he cried.  The poor boy!  Being that I wasn't holding him at all last night, I didn't know.  Out came the gas drops, we've cut out all of the foods that would make him more gassy, and now I have my happy crazy hyperactive monster little boy back.

And now I need a nap.

Business Woman.
We finally have our court date.  Not that I'm really thrilled about that, but at least it's a step toward the finish line.  I'm not the kind of person to enjoy talking negative about other people, but this woman makes me want to pull my hair out strand by strand.  We wrote a long response to the court summoning we received explaining all of the crazy lies she told us, hopefully that helps.  My biggest fear at this point, keeping everyone calm in the court room as we listen to all of the lies she will attempt to tell the Judge about us.

Prayers please.

Home Maker.
The words 'Mother' and 'Multi-tasker' should be under the same definition in the dictionary. (Even now I am making a grilled cheese sandwich while writing this blog.)  Before I was a mother, the things that weren't done around my house was due to pure laziness.  Now, last night's dinner dishes piled in the sink, the multiple loads of clean laundry unfolded in the bedroom, and the toys all over the floor (including Ryder's Goldfish snack from last night that is ground into the carpet) is not because of laziness, it's purely because I haven't found the time or the energy yet today to handle them. 

I'm a firm believer that in that first few months of motherhood, not only does a woman learn how to be a mother, but she also learns how to be a magician.

It does not help that during my morning Faithful Workouts routine two days ago, I moved the wrong way and injured my back again.  In my strange body, injuring my back makes my knee hurt instead of my back, so I can barely put weight on my right leg.  And still, by the end of the day, I am determined to have those dishes and laundry done. 

I might skip the toys on the floor though, after all, they will just be there again tomorrow!

Extreme Couponer.
Now to my favorite part.  After much research, I tried out my couponing skills yesterday.  I had a handful of coupons for my husband's favorite deoderant and body wash.  A product that I've spent quite a bit of money on for him.  Let me break it down for you.  I am so excited.

My husband uses Gillette Gel Deoderant and Gillette Hydrating Body Wash.  Coupons in hand, I called 4 different stores to get current prices on that product. (It's not so easy to drive to each of them with two boys just for the price of two items, and not all the websites list prices.) 

Average Retail Price (the price I normally pay): $4.24
Shopping around, I found them both on sale for: $3.50.
I had 4 BOGO coupons for the deorderant. That means 8 gel deoderants for: $1.75 each.
I had 5 $2/1 coupons for body wash.  That means I got 5 hydating body washes for: $1.50 each.
My total price was $21.50 plus tax.
That's $33.62 off the price I normally pay, and $24.00 off the sale price.

And that was on items that I would normally purchase anyway.  I saved the amount of money that was spent the same day for Shane to buy me a new printer for my computer so that I can really go coupon crazy.
I feel like I won the lottery.  This is my first week doing this, so next week I will get double the amount of coupon ads in hope that I will run into another deal like this or better and save even more money.  I also managed to save a dollar each off of two Sally Hansen's Hard as Nails, and two Sally Hansen's Xtreme Wear Nail Color, thanks to coupon doubling.  Just a little extra treat for me... kind of like the cherry on to of that cold yummy ice cream with chocolate sauce.  (You know, the one my diet doesn't allow me to have.)

Life Lesson for today:  None... but will somebody remind me to take the trash out?

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