Thursday, May 19, 2011

Couponing, BBQ Sauce, and Reusable Disposable Diapers

ob·ses·sion [uhb-sesh-uhn]
1. the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc.
2. the idea, image, desire, feeling, etc., itself.
3. the state of being obsessed.
It's official.  I'm obsessed.  I woke up this morning thinking about coupons.  While Ryder was eating his toast and banana and Wyatt was snoozing in his swing, I was... (get ready for it)... searching online for the next deal I could find. 
I have a binder full of multiple coupons that have been printed, snipped, or found.  I'm already planning out where I can store my stockpile.  (the garage won't work, too many spiders. Trevor's closet has more than enough room!)
Faithful Workouts | Inspirational Fitness DVDs & Videos
I was doing my morning workout routine this morning.  I love following the Faithful Workouts ladies.  The routine is just perfect for me, they are inspiring, and the possitive christian music is amazing. 
I only have one lb weights and decided I needed a little more today, so I brought out the bbq sauce bottles.  Creative, right?  I had put one down on the floor for Ryder to play with while I did a squat lift move.  Suddenly hes standing at my feet, throws the bbq sauce bottle at my toe (bullseye!), and stands there looking at me.  I yelled (because I wasn't expecting my toe to start throbing with pain mid-squat), and started hopping around holding my foot. 
He started screaming.  So now I'm hopping around, hold a screaming boy, and missing the last half of my workout video.  What fun it is to have such an active little boy.
Karen, from Early On, came yesterday.  She brought another woman, named Katie.  They sat down on the floor with Ryder and played little puzzles and games, while Katie asked us questions about things that he has done or has not done.  Ryder passed the games with flying colors, even doing a puzzle that was out of his age range.  He stacked blockes, and put a pebble in a little bottle opening.  He did things I didn't know he could do!
She said that he is at the top levels of all of his gross and fine motor skills.  He does those things more advanced than a lot of children his age.  She also said that his speach is very behind.  The level for speach therapy is 45.  He rated a 50.
She told us that he is very smart and by the end of the summer he will probably develop those skills on his own and be right on track.  We are having her come to the house every month to monitor his advancements, and she is coming to teach me some games and things that will help him.  If he is still behind by the end of the summer, a speach therapy class will be available to us if we choose.
We have already started, by her recommendations, identifying items in books.  He does that with no problem, but the words aren't there yet.
So basically, my son is a genius, he just can't talk.

Ryder is so good at helping with laundry.  He helps put the clothes in the basket from the dryer, he helps put the wash into the drying, he helps close the doors, and he pushes the buttons.  (thank you samsung for child locks after we are done "helping").  Well, he is SO good at helping that sometimes... he over-helps.

I found that in the washer yesterday.  I'm really hoping that it was clean, but if not, it was after I pulled it out.  Clean and soaked through with water.  What a good boy. 
Life lesson for today: I suppose if I run out of clean diapers, I could always wash and reuse.

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