Thursday, May 5, 2011

You Ate WHAT?

I heard some things today that really make me double think what I feed my boys. 
  • The chemical in acne medicine is the same one used to bleach white bread.
  • The cream filling in store bought cakes and cookies is made out of mostly beef lard.
  • We each eat around a pound of bug parts in our food each year.
  • Salad dressing contains propylene glycol (along with a large list of other products) which is also an ingredient in antifreeze.
  • Potato chips contain the chemical acrylamide which is also the product in cigarettes that causes cancer.
Pretty scary, huh?  And that's just a little bit of information!  What else out there is in our food?  What other chemicals are hidden that cause us to get fat, sick, cancer, or... worse?  I've always been one to brush off the warnings, everyone eats this stuff so why can't I?  Not anymore. 

Lets call today, Day One of feeding my family good food to keep them healthy. 

Ryder is still very sick, and wyatt screams every minute hes awake.  It's been quite a day. 

Life lesson for today:  You are what you eat.

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