Now we are deciding whether to eat last nights leftovers or a peanut butter sandwich for lunch, cleaning up spilt milk (because its more fun to pour it out than to drink it), and working on words like "poopoo", "cup", "hello", and "baby". And wasn't there a time somewhere in there that I couldn't wait for him to walk? What was I thinking? No one ever let me in on the fact that once they walk... they learn to run. Then you can forget about having a moments peace.
Trevor was over this weekend. He's such an amazing big brother. He loves Ryder and plays with him for hours, giving me a moment to maybe get the dishes done, or fold a load of laundry. I'm feeling like Ryder is learning from Trevor in a way. He's becoming agressive. I'm not sure whether it's from playing rough with Trevor, or just another step in his way to boyhood. Either way, it makes for a busy boy.
The woman from Early on is coming tomorrow for an evaluation. I had Ryder recomended to her because I felt that maybe he was a little behind with his speach. She came out and asked a lot of questions and played with him a bit. She has already told me that she really sees no problems with him, that it should be a quick and easy evaulation. She said that he is advanced at his ability to figure things out and that sometimes when children are more advanced at one thing, that their speach can be a little bit behind. We shall know more tomorrow.
This sickness, whatever it may be, has made its way around our family. Starting with Shane, he was in the emergency room two weeks ago from it. They treated him for pneumonia. Then Ryder and Wyatt got it, and now, I have it. God granded me with the gift of having it last at least. I'm thankful I was able to care for them while I was still healthy, but now with Shane back to work there is no one to care for me. What I wouldn't give for a nanny, a housekeeper, a bottle of cold medicine (the sleepy kind), and a nice looooooooong nap.
Wyatt will be three months. We've been comparing pictures of Ryder and Wyatt at three months. Funny how different they look, but also how much they have in common.
![]() |
Wyatt |
Ryder |
I'm starting to teach Wyatt how to comfort himself to sleep while he is still young. Ryder was always in my arms, co-slept, and nursed. All things that made him a very needy baby, but there is nothing wrong with that. Having two doesn't leave much time to give Wyatt that kind of attention though. He sleeps in his bassinett, is formula fed (not by my choice), and is left in his swing to look around and play by himself until he needs something. It makes me realize that he needs more learning time, but it also helps him be more independant at a faster rate than Ryder did. I think every parent hopes they aren't making the wrong decision for their child.
We attempted a garage sale this weekend. It rained all weekend. We made $50.00. Not terrible, but that still leaves four tables full of items that I don't need sitting in my garage. Salvation army here we come.
Extreme couponing has inspired me. What mother doesn't want to save as much money as possible and stockpile necessities? I've been researching like crazy trying to make it all work. I've got it figured out, but if any of you have seen the show... none of those mothers have two babies under two to take care of on top of cutting coupons and hunting down deals. We shall see if I can make it work.
We took Ryder to the park two weeks ago when it was nice out. I took some beautiful pictures of him. I will post those later. He loved every minute because it was a new experience. He also wore momma out from chasing him around. The slide was his favorite. I put him at the top and he giggled all the way down, and then attempted to climb back up the shiny slippery surface all by himself.
What happened to my baby?
My road to organic isn't worked as well as I had hoped. I'll post about that later as well.
Off to get lunch ready. Say a prayer for me this time, I need all of them I can get to manage these two monkeys, while being sick!
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