As I sit typing to you, my little boy lay in his crib screaming. Now, on any other day at nap time, I lay him down, he gives me a big grin, I turn on his singing dog, and he falls right to sleep. But not today. Today he is sick. The poor little man is miserable. I'm not exactly sure what I should do. I know sleep is what he needs, so should I go in there, pick him up and spoil him a little by rocking him and risk missing his nap. Or do I let him cry?
I guess he decided for me.
I miss putting my thoughts into words. Seems like finding a minute to do anything for myself with two little boys is a miracle. I am just now finding the courage to venture out into the world by myself with both of them. If you thought taking one toddler into public was difficult, try a toddler and an infant.
Baby fat diet is going better. Thanks to the treadmill my wonderful husband bought me. It's so nice to run for a purpose that isn't getting R out of trouble.
R is getting so old. At 16 months, he now understands what you say to him. I was told by a nurse that by 17 months he should be saying around 5-7 words. He's his own man though. Stubborn like his parents. He reverted back from his few words he was saying, to "duh...duh....duh" at everything.
When one of my appliances beeps, whether it be my dishwasher, coffee maker, etc. R points to it "duh duh" while looking at me to let me know something's going on with it. When I do laundry, he is by my side to put the clothes in the basket, close the soap container, and push the buttons. When W cries, he runs and grabs his bottle and attempts to feed him for me. More milk ends up in his eyes, ears, and nose rather than in his mouth, but my little man is momma's helper.
I'm so very proud of him.
W is getting so big. It seems like he is growing way faster than R did. But I wasn't running after an active little boy then either.
So many things are changing in life right now. It's hard to find a minute when I don't have something to deal with. The stolen minutes like this one, are actually the ones that I need to use for folding the mountain of clothes that sits on my bed right now screaming at me.
Some of the things I accomplish in a day are things that I would have thought impossible before becoming a mother. With Mother's Day around the corner, I have a much larger respect for all women out there that dare to attack the adventure called motherhood.
I think all men should try it for a day.
He has such a cheeseball grin sometimes. I crack up! And I LOVE that I can catch it on camera. He loves the attention. As soon as he sees a camera pointed his way he breaks out the silly faces. Squinty eyes and silly grins.
My pirate baby. I have another picture from the day we came home from the hospital where he's making the same one-eye-open face.
Day after Easter 50% off treat. Just what he needs!
Helping Momma feed W. He always climbs up right beside us to help.
This is a hug. Cuddles we call it. He gives W kisses too.
This was my "who has time for a shower" photo.
We ventured outside last week on one of the warmer days. He LOVES it, every time the door opens he runs that way. He will now hold my hand and walk beside me out there too, makes life much easier.
R and W making the same face. This is another one of R's cheeseball faces he makes when the camera comes out. How happy he makes me.
Life lesson for today: Don't let your mile long list overwhelm you.
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