I love Sunday. Shane's day off... Shopping day... you can't get much better than those two together.
My shopping wasn't really worth mentioning. The most exciting purchase I had was Dial hand soap for 18 cents each.
We spent the rest of the day outside. I'm so glad for the nice weather, and Shane spent the whole day cleaning the yard up. I love our yard after he's finished each year, it's beautiful.
We blew up the boys Christmas present today. A bounce house from Grandma and Grandpa R. Ryder calls it his "Jumpin' house". The boys had a blast with it, but trying to teach a toddler not to bring rocks and toys and all the other fun sharp stuff into it was quite a challenge. Then Ryder decided that it was going to be part of one of the fun towers that he has been building recently and started piling everything large in the yard he could find against it. Suddenly it became his rocket ship.
Then the lawn mower broke. And it couldn't just snap a belt or break a gear, it had to bust the whole mower deck. After we come up with $400 to replace it we can have pretty short grass again. Maybe I'll start taking donations. I'll write on the can: "Help poor people mow their lawn."
If only it worked that way.
I do have to mention the cupcakes I made yesterday. I've decided that I need to try my hand at all those pretty cupcakes that you see them making on television. I can do that right? It can't be that hard! Maybe. Anyway, I'm really proud of my first try at pretty cupcakes. Chocolate banana cupcakes with chocolate butter cream frosting. Yum!
My highlight of the day.... which is hard to choose really when you think about how much fun we had today, happened tonight when I was getting Ryder ready for bed. I was cleaning up the toys in the boys room when Ryder walked in. I said to him:
Me: 'Ryder, this will be your bed soon'
Ryder: 'Up there momma?' (pointing to the top bunk)
Me: 'No, baby. When you get bigger you can sleep up there.'
Did I really say that to a three year old?
Ryder: 'Food me bigger, momma!'
This is when he took off running into the kitchen and I followed.
Ryder: 'Momma, please have banana? Make me bigger.'
I gave him the banana, he peeled it himself of course. Would an other three year old yet their parents peel their banana? He ate it.
As he was running to the trash can to throw the peel away....
Ryder: 'Momma, look! Me bigger now!'
Why you ask, is that out of everything, the highlight of my day? Because the logic of a three year old is so simply. He wanted to get bigger so he ate a banana. He is such an amazing little man and I am the most blessed parent that God gave me his as a son.
The 'flowers' that the boys picked for me today from the yard.
Happy Sunday.
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