The dinner was for Shane's dad. He was diagnosed with Lyme's Disease and the mediciation and proceedure that is needed to get him better costs right around the 10 grand range. Ouch, right? His insurance is paying for 80% of the proceedure but isn't touching the medication itself. We've called everywhere and the best help we could get was a coupon and a prescription discount card. So we held a dinner. It was at our house, in our newly fenced in yard. The weather was beautiful, the food was gone very quickly, we got to see a lot of faces that we haven't for awhile, and we were able to raise around $2,000 for Gary's antibiotics. It's a small chunk out of a big number, but I'd say it went perfect.
We are so appreciative of all the kindness that everyone put forward. To be honest, looking at some of the numbers on the checks, I was shocked to know that people can open their hearts that much when most of them are fighting to pay their own bills. God really does His work.
Ryder and Shane were sitting on the chair playing with some bionics toys. Ryder loves anything that he can put together. Shane and I were talking, and Shane says "I just need one more of these to put this together" and Ryder didn't even look up from what he was doing, but out of his mouth came "one more". I think that both of our jaws dropped at the same time. It really was something more like "uhn moh" but for that precious little silent boy to spout out anything, much less TWO words... amazing.
The three of us spent the next hour saying 'one more'.
I still haven't got my car back. I'm a little disapointed at the amount of time that it's taking him to fix it. As soon as we get it back we have to hand over Shane's truck. How long will that take? At least its getting fixed and hopefully, after that, my car will be sold and I can get something more affordable.... as in... paid for.
Like I said, uninspired for words. They just aren't flowing today.
The last picture is the new door that Shane and his brother put in my dinning room. The room was like a cave before and now its bright, and very enjoyable. I actually find myself sitting there looking outside now. And Ryder mopping up the mess for me. If I get the broom, mop, or vacuum out without him getting to help I'd better be ready for a tantrum!
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