Wordless Wednesday. Today you get words.
I was nibbling on some oreos while I looked through a sales ad and Ryder wandered over. I gave him one (because there is no way I can eat one without him if I want any peace in the house) and he ate the frosting out of it and sat it back on the counter for me. What has dada been teaching you, Ryder?
This is a new favorite. We got out of the shower this morning, dried his hair, pulled off the towel and found this. I was thinking he might fit in pretty well in Whoville.
Slip and Slide. Ryder LOVED it. I slid him a few times, face first into the cold water. (I'm up for mother of the year award for that one) He had more fun running in and out of the sprays of water.
BBQ Chicken Pizza. New big hit in our house. I use a store bought pizza crust, throw chicken chunks in the crock pot with BBQ sauce for the day, cut and cook up onions, green peppers and bacon, and then add all the ingredients with added sauce and tons of cheese.
I let Trevor make his own pizza tonight. He used fresh mushrooms, green pepper and pepperoni. He loved making his own pizza, getting to help in the kitchen, and hes not a big fan of BBQ sauce. Both the pizzas were almost completely gone between the 5 of us.
My little eater. Seems like that is all he does some days. He's getting so big, and so grown up. He actually climbed onto the barstool and sat next to dada eating his cereal that morning for breakfast. He doesn't like to eat alone either, so when we aren't around he will pick up his bowl and follow us to wherever we are so that he can eat next to us.
Shane made me a birthday cake. Strawberry with Cream Cheese frosting. Not my favorite normally, but I ended up eating about 75% of it myself. Where did my baby fat diet go?
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