Sunday, June 12, 2011


I used to be a very unorganized person.  Important dates were kept jumbled up in my brain, if kept at all.  I never wrote anything down, and I really didn't care if I was a few minutes late here or there.  I was young and naive in that way. 

With the fairly new attached title of "momma", and two little men counting on me for their everything, I've become the complete opposite and I'm loving every minute of it. 

My calender is my best friend, I even keep a smaller second copy in my wallet. 

I make lists before I go shopping.

I start getting the boys into the car an hour before I have to be somewhere, even if it only takes me twenty minutes to get there.  Just in case.

Organization is key for everything.  With a toddler running around, the more organzied you are, they better.  And the less time something takes to find or put away, the more time I get to play with my boys. 

I had a genius idea this last week.  I'm really not sure why I haven't thought of it before, and I'm possitive that many others already have.  I have three HUGE totes full of boys clothes ranging in size.  Every time I move up a size I have to dump every one of them (Ryder helps with this part) and go through looking at all the tags to figure out which I need next.  Pretty time consuming and ridiculous if you ask me.

I purchased enough sweater sized totes to have each size organized. Now all that I have to do is go in and pull out the appropriate sized tote, and I'm finished.  I'm thrilled with my accomplishment, but feel embarressed that it took me 18 months to figure it out. 

I hope to be able to pass on the skills that I've learned from being a mother to all of those willing to listen.  Please believe me, the easier you can make things when you are a mom, the more time you get to enjoy spending with your babies.

With Ryder delayed so much with his speach, we are struggling with the bridge of communication.  He does his best to tell me what he wants, but sometimes I just can't figure it out.  So I'm pulling out the baby sign language. Last week I started teach Ryder the symbol for more.  When he's eating, instead of screaming or getting upset, he will be able to sign more if he wants more food.  Every time he wants more food, I look at him, say "more" and sign the word at the same time.

We were eating strawberries the other day, (his new favorite) and he started yelling so he could have more.  I looked at him with my hands full (I wasn't doing the symbol for more like I had been), and said "more?".  He looked right into my eyes and did the sign for more.  My heart definatly dropped. 

While researching I had read that it takes babies up to three months to learn one symbol.  I never would have imagined that he would do it in three days!  Now, don't get me wrong, he doesn't do it every time, and he still needs a lot of practice, but he did it.  He actually did a sign.  This gives me hope and encouragment to move on and teach him as much as possible.  I'm so proud of him.

I've noticed that I speak more of my Ryder than I do about Wyatt.  I'm going to do a post soon all about Wy.  We can all look forward to that, there isn't as much to say, but he is getting so big!

All the cute little pink baby outfits floating around our house gives me a bad case of baby fever.  I'm almost wishing that I was pregnant again.  Almost.  We're going to give it a little bit longer than 14 months between the next two.  Not that I don't want more babies... right now... but physically I think I might collapse! 

I've been playing tag with the gentleman from the insurance company about my car.  He needs a verbal statement about the pothole that blew up my strut, but he never answers when I call, and I always am elbow deep in poopy diapers, or running to get a screaming baby.  I can't wait until its fixed.  I do love driving the truck, but with the amount of appointments I have, and the miles I go, I want my gas mileage back.

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